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Fermentation Recipes

HOME > Recipes > Sake lees crackers

It’s sake lees, but it tastes like cheese?!

Sake lees crackers

It’s sake lees, but it tastes like cheese?!

Ingredients 200 g flour
40 g sake lees
4 tablespoons rapeseed oil
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons water
Method of preparation
  • 1.

    Put all the ingredients in a bowl except the water, and mix them with your palm or fingers until they become crumbly.

  • 2.

    Add water to the mix and create a dough without kneading it too much. If the mix does not stick together sufficiently, add water little by little.

  • 3.

    Dust a flat surface with the extra flour and place the dough onto that surface. Flatten it to 2 mm in thickness with a rolling pin, and then cut it into pieces as per your desirable size. Poke each piece with a fork to avoid allowing the dough to shrink during baking.

  • 4.

    Place each piece on a baking pan lined with parchment paper and bake it all at 150°C for 25 to 30 minutes until they become crispy.

  • Do not knead the dough too much—keep it crumbly. Be careful not to bake it too long, as this dough is easy to burn.

  • Try mixing some herbs or spices that you like. Using tomato juice instead of water (in the same amount) will also make the crackers taste great.