Product InformationDAIGO NO SHIZUKU
Sennen-no-sake (“sake in the style as brewed 1,000 years ago”) DAIGO NO SHIZUKU

“DAIGO NO SHIZUKU” is our “doburoku” (unrefined sake) brand developed from our efforts to emulate the sake that was home-brewed in temples during the Kamakura and Muromachi eras, which are known as the periods when the original form of the “kimoto” method was invented.
The brewing method is called “bodaimoto,” developed by the monks in Bodaisen Shoyarku-ji, a temple in Nara Prefecture. It is considered to be the origin of all sake today, and the detailed process is described in Goshu no nikki, the first manual that documented sake-making procedures for private brewers, published in the early Muromachi era in Japan. The brewing method was very logical. It suggested to take in the lactic acid bacteria from the air for lactic acid fermentation in moromi and to suppress unwanted microorganisms so as to promote the propagation of the yeasts, derived from the brewing room. The effective use of lactic acid bacteria enabled the brewing to be completed in just about one week in summer or around in two weeks in winter.

DAIGO NO SHIZUKU is a reproduction of an ancient sake that has a history of over 1,000 years in Japanese sake-making. While it is made from rice, the taste resembles a fruity, full-bodied wine. The yeast starter for this product is prepared only in small volume every year. No extra water is added at all in the process, and only the liquid created through fermentation is pressed and bottled. This is why you will find a different flavor in each season and each brew. Please treasure every meeting with this sake, for it will never taste the same again.